Tianjin University天津大学(TianjinUniversity),简称“天大”,坐落于历史文化名城、中国北方经济中心天津,其前身为北洋大学,始建于1895年10月2日,是中国第一所现代大学,开中国现代高等教育之先河,素以“实事求是”的校训、“严谨治学”的校风和“爱国奉献”的传统享誉海内外。1951年,北洋大学与河北工学院合并定名为“天津大学”,沿用至今。
天津大学是1959年中共中央首批确定的16所国家重点大学之一,国家教育部、天津市、国家海洋局共建高校,位列国家“双一流”、“211工程”、“985工程”、“2011计划”、“111计划” 、“卓越工程师教育培养计划”首批重点建设大学,“卓越大学联盟”成员高校,“中欧工程教育平台”、“中俄工科大学联盟”合作高校,中国著名的“建筑老八校”之一。
TianjinUniversityIt was located in Tianjin, a famous historical and cultural city and an economic center in northern China. Its predecessor was Beiyang University. It was founded on October 2, 1895 and is the first modern university in China. It is a precedent for modern Chinese higher education. The school motto of "seeking truth from facts", the school ethos of "rigorous study" and the tradition of "patriotic dedication" are well-known at home and abroad. In 1951, Beiyang University and Hebei Institute of Technology were merged into "Tianjin University" and are still in use today.
Tianjin University is one of the first 16 national key universities identified by the CPC Central Committee in 1959. The Ministry of Education, Tianjin Municipality, and the State Oceanic Administration jointly established universities. Ranked among the first batch of key universities in the country's "Double First Class", "211 Project", "985 Project", "2011 Plan", "111 Plan", and "Excellent Engineer Education Training Program", and "Outstanding University Alliance" member universities, The "China-Europe Engineering Education Platform" and the "Sino-Russian Federation of Engineering Universities" are one of the famous "Old Eight Schools of Architecture" in China.
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